Tune IN...Turn ON...And
Blissfully Experience IT...
The Sculptations Brain RE-Training EXperience...
Tuning IN..."A Higher Form Of Meditation..."
Experience A Radical Revolutionary Tuning IN Technology That Turns On Your Brain’s Limitless Power To Activate And Elevate Your Superpowers And RESET, REWIRE And RECODE The Fearless Potential Of Your SuperMind...
Tune IN And Magnetically Attract Incredible Levels Of Wealth, Optimal Health, Love And Intimacy, Unstoppable Confidence, Inspiration And Creativity And Deep And Restful Sleep… EASILY And EFFORTLESSLY...
In As Little As 5 MINUTES A DAY...
Sculptations Subconscious Success System
Tuning IN Brain RE-Training Audio Sessions...
The 15 Minute Advanced Millionaire MindState
The 15 Minute Sharper Focus
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We ❤️ your privacy...We will never sell or rent your information...Also U may receive confirmation and inspiration messages from us designed to empower U forward in life...U can unsubscribe at anytime.
INSPIRE U To Sculpt Daily Success RITUALS And HABITS
Anchor Advanced Millionaire Wealth MindStates
RE-Set...RE-Wire...RE-Code Your SuperMind
RE-Train Your Mind For Optimal Health
Release The Effects Of Stress and Anxiety
Anchor The Sharper Focus To Be Highly Productive
Unleash The Limitless Creativity Of Your Imagination
Activate And Integrate Unstoppable Self-Confidence
Attract Intimate Loving Meanignful Relationships
Empower U To Reach And Maintain Your Ideal Weight
RE-Boot The Operating System Of Your Superpowers
Gently Guide U To Have Deeper And Restful Sleep
IS Your Mind Your Greatest Enemy...Or...Your Greatest Ally
What does that mean...YOUR MIND HAS A MIND OF ITS OWN... That's Why I call it...AN ACTIVE MIND...
It is INCREDIBLY powerful – and will always respond to how U direct it....So depending on your ability to silence the MindTraps running through your mind on a consistent basis...
U will either be a slave to your circumstances or the STAR OF YOUR LIFE STORY...It's Your Choice... So...When U are focused in MindStates Of Success...U unleash your highest potential...
U have an ACTIVE MIND that will always work in your favor...
When your INvironment is in a vibrational match with the
ENvironment U desire to live in...
SCULPTATIONS TUNING IN Brain RE-Training Technology...
RE-Boots your operating system...RE=Programs old patterns
and habits...And ANCHORS your mind in...NEURAl HARMONY
Sculptations Tuning IN Is Built On Our Unique 4 Pillars Of Brain RE-Trainment....
~The 7 PHASE TUNING IN Journey
~Multivariate Resonant Technology (MRT)
~MindSculpting Precision Affirmative Visualization
~High Vibe MindTunes Hypnotic Music
When These 4 Pillars Are Aligned And In FLOW...
U TURN ON Your SuperMinds LIMITLESS POWER To Activate And Elevate Your Superpowers...
EASILY AND EFFORTLESSLY...And Each Sculptations TUNING IN Session Is A Life Transforming Experience...
When U TUNE IN and RE-Train your mind...U harness the
power of your SuperMind...Your FOCUS is ANCHORED in MindStates Of Success And Super States of Happiness....
U release old patterns and behaviors (Your MindTraps)...
And design and develop rituals and habits that inspire
and empower U to become...The Best Version Of U...
It's SO EASY To Experience Sculptations Tuning IN...
~Choose The Area Of Life U Desire To Improve...
~Set A SPECIFIC INTENTION for Your Session...
~Slip On Your Most Comfortable Set Of Headphones...
~Choose The ENvironment U Want To Experience It In...
~Press Play And Tune In To Your Limitless Active Mind...
Experiencing Sculptations...Does Not Require U To Have To Sit In A Traditional Meditation Lotus Position...
U Can If U Want To...Or...Take A Walk...Work Out...
Sit At Your Sacred Altar...Experience It With Others...
And our Super-Targeted MindSculpting TUNING IN Brain RE-Trainment technology...Will RE-Train...
RE-Program...RE-Frame...And RE-Boot...
The SuperPowers of your SuperMInd...
EASILY and EFFORTLESSLY...RELEASING the MindTraps That any creating the OBSTACLES sabotaging U...
From Sculpting Your Ideal Life....
It's not surprising why so many people who have experienced and use Sculptations Tuning IN call it...
"A Higher Form Of Meditation"...and the only real world method for becoming "Limitless"...
INSTANTLY Reach Deeper Levels Of Consciousness To:
~Master MindStates Of Success for Greater Wealth...
~Reach Your Ideal Weight And Health...
~Anchor Sharper Focus...
~Activate Unstoppable Self-Confidence/Winners Mind...
~Attract Love/Intimacy And Meaningful Relationships...
~Manifest Fearless Creativity And Inspiration...
~Integrate Relaxation And Rejuvenation...
~Be Guided To Deeper And Restful Sleep...
~And So Much More...As U...
"Sculpt The Masterpiece Known As U..."
The Sculptations Subconscious Success System TUNING IN Brain RE-Training Is A Proprietary Method Of 4 Mind Re-Programming And Re-Reframing Disciplines
We take U on a magical mind adventure that RELEASES your old patterns and behaviors so U have the clarity and focus to manifest and Sculpt Your Epic Ideal Life...RIGHT NOW
Our Multivariate Resonant Technology (MRT)...
A Sequencing Of Rhythms, Tones, And Sound Frequencies That Are Carefully Sculpted To Stimulate And Activate The Four Holistic Intelligences...
Physical Intelligence...Emotional Intelligence...
Mental Intelligence....And Spiritual Intelligence...
MRT Is Unlike All Other Sound Frequency Technology On The Market Today...In Its Ability To Combine Multiple Resonance Pathways To The Body/Mind/Spirit/Heart...
MindSculpting Precision Affirmations Process...
Our Deep Personal Discovery Inquiry Inner Visualization Process...And Subliminal Guided Imagery...Paints A Very Real Picture Of Possibility...
That RE-Boots Your Limitless Superpowers...
And Resets, Rewires And Recodes Your SuperMind...
Our High Frequency MINDTUNES MUSIC...
IMAGINE...Being Lifted By Listening To The Frequencies Of Hypnotic Rhythmic Beats...
Sweeping Soundscapes... And Powerful Melodies... That open your heart...mind... body... spirit... soul...
To a new source of flow...MINDTUNES MUSIC Will Have Your SuperMInd...Dancing And Vibing In The Flow Of PROFOUND life-changing transformation...
These 4 powerful disciplines in combination with each other, effortlessly guide U to ACTIVATE and INTEGRATE a new
MindState Of Success...ANCHORING and powerfully AWAKENING Your IMAGINATION into a state of creativity and receptivity...
so U begin releasing any limiting and sabotaging thoughts and behaviors that holding U back...
Sculptations seamlessly enters your consciousness, interacting with your brain chemistry to create New Neural Pathways...
New Neural Connections...And NEURAL HARMONY that supports your highest and best self...
Any noise of uncertainty and indecision is shut down...
As U Tune IN to your innermost thoughts and desires...
In higher realms of conscious creation...
U no longer are a slave to external distractions...As U sculpt the mind-body connection that empowers U to take charge of your wealth, health, confident winners mind, relationships, and every area of your life...U are playing in LIFE...By your rules...
Whether U listen to one track a day or multiple times... Throughout the day...Sculptations... UNLOCKS A LIMITLESS...
State of control...And the creativity and inspiration...
For a personal discovery to higher plateaus of consciousness...
Scientifically proven to INDUCE brain-wave patterns for positive results in your life... Sculptations Tuning IN Brain Re-Training process affects brain wave patterns to induce positive effects...
Tuning IN...does to the brain...What exercise does to the body...
It TRULY Is "A Higher Form Of Meditation...
Your current MindState Operating System...U are no longer held prisoner to MindTraps of scarcity...uncertainty...procrastination...
U unleash your SuperMind to play in the LIMITLESS POTENTIAL Of MindStates Of Success and Possibility...
Anchoring a new way of thinking...Knowing...And believing so U...
Sculpt The Masterpiece Known As U...
We believe anyone serious about personal discovery
and their transformation should...
Make the Sculptations Subconscious Success System Tuning IN Brain RE-Training Method...A part of their success toolkit....
Experience A Radical Revolutionary Tuning IN Audio Technology That Turns On Your Brain’s Limitless Power To Activate And Elevate Your Superpowers And
RESET, REWIRE And RECODE The Fearless Potential Of Your SuperMind...
Tune IN Every Day And Magnetically Attract Incredible Levels Of Wealth, Optimal Health, Love And Intimacy, Unstoppable Confidence, Inspiration And Creativity And Deep And Restful Sleep… EASILY And EFFORTLESSLY
In As Little As 5 MINUTES A DAY...
Do U DESIRE To Be Financially Abundant...U CAN
Do U DESIRE To Be Fit, Lean, Healthy & Sexy...U CAN
Do U DESIRE To Find Your Perfect Soul Mate...U CAN
Do U DESIRE Unstoppable Confidence...U CAN
Do U DESIRE To Wake UP Everyday On Fire...U CAN
Do U FIND That Despite Your best efforts...U Still Keep Getting In Your Own Way By REPEATING The Same Old Patterns And Habits...That Hold U Back...
EXPERIENCE...The Power Of Sculptations Tuning IN...
So Your Mind Finally Becomes Your Greatest Ally...
Copyright © 2022 Sculpting Your Life